Cannot create Suggstions with this object

I am writing a bpm to create PO suggestion but getting an error, the GetNewSugPoDtl function giving an error.

Erp.Contracts.POSuggSvcContract POSugg = null;
POSugg = Ice.Assemblies.ServiceRenderer.GetService<Erp.Contracts.POSuggSvcContract>(Db);
var POSuggds = new Erp.Tablesets.POSuggTableset();
POSugg.GetNewSugPoDtl(ref POSuggds);

I assume the last line gives you the error?
I believe you can’t create suggestions from nothing, there must be a source that generates them through the Process.

Any Alternate way to create PO Suggestion.
We have set of data to create PO Suggestion.

Why create a suggestion? Could you just create the PO?

It’s a client requirement. First, they want PO Suggestion them PO From them.

Isn’t that normal Epicor operating? Take MRP suggestions and convert them?

You can use planning contracts (not the same as contract PO) to add requirements for jobs that aren’t in the system yet. There’s other setup to make it work, read through the thread below to see how we use them.

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