Can't Close Message Box in Kinetic Application

We’re trying out the new Kinetic interface but the message box from our BPMs won’t close. I found that if I display more than two message boxes back to back all of them close except the last one. I press “OK” but nothing happens. This causes the new Kinetic view to be useless until closed and reopened. I was really looking forward to using the new interface but this renders it useless. Anyone else run into this issue or have a solution for it?

Image of message box that I can’t close.


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What version are you testing this in?

Kinetic 2022.1.10
Base Version:

Database Version:

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So I can confirm in 2022.2.1 the OK button seems to work fine for BPM messages. If you open developer console (F12) and click ok does anything log? Do you have an Ad Blocker installed that might be messing with it at all? What browser are you testing in?

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The issue occurs on the desktop client install and on the web browser so I don’t think it’s anything to do with ad blocker. I also just confirmed that ad block is off and the issue is still there.

Also I’m not sure what the developer console is. Are you referring to the “Epicor Administration Console”? If so, F12 didn’t seem to do anything when I pressed it.

I will try to install the latest update to see if that is my issue. I’ll keep you posted.

F12 in chrome, the console may have a logged event error when you click the button.

I was able to replicate this in the browser on 2022.2.1.


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Seems like a serious bug, how is Kinetic going GA? Tell Marketing to chill, let the Software Engineers do their job :slight_smile:

New Rule for any inconvenient simple bug, we get to invoice Epicor for time lost :slight_smile:


And no we are not putting in Aha Ideas for Bugs like Support always wants us to.


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How did you get that to happen? I tested one of my BPMs on 2022.2.1 and it wasn’t an issue, mine was an error not a warning though. Let me try warning quick.

I just did 3 info messages on update. Did info, warning, error, just to show that things were changing.

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Did they ever fix the PRE & POST (Enabled from PRE Widget)? :slight_smile: that one would be a show stopper for us.

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Was there ever an issue with that?


We also have this bug in Data Collection (MES)

Multiple messages in the same BPM causes it going to report under controlled release now.


I wish someone would just invent Test Driven TDD or BDD. Off my soap box, feels like a Monday. No hard feelings… but don’t forget we all pay 100K’s in maintenance fees… some even 600K :slight_smile: a bit frustrating thats all. Back to work.

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Submitted the bug


Interestingly enough, our pre-post BPM’s aren’t broken. It’s funny because I imported a test on from @jgiese.wci , and it was broken. But the BPM’s that were arleady in the system didn’t break for us.

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Only happens coming from 10.2.600.x up to 2021.1.11 or >. Some version to that effect. No fix.

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