Carriage/shipping costs for suppliers/vendors

Hi all,

We have a number of different shipping cost arrangements with our suppliers. At the moment we just have this information on a spreadsheet which our buyers refer to. I would like to have this information in Epicor. I am not sure exactly how we will use this information yet, but I would at least like to have it in the system. We have created a purchasing dashboard which our buyers use to place buy to order lines, as they need to be placed immediately. I think I will just have this information displayed on that dashboard at the moment, and maybe in future create a BPM so the correct carriage is automatically applied to the purchase order (although that’s not straight-forward because it depends on weight in some cases).

Where would you suggest is the most sensible place for this information to be put?

Any help much appreciated.


A User Defined table like UD01.

UD tables have 5 (or 6?) keys whose combination must be unique for each row. So these should be some sort of identifier.

There are built in columns like: Date01, Date02, Number01, Character01…Character20, Checkbox01…20, etc …

You could use these to hold other values from your spreadsheet.

It would be best to use Extended UD for the UD table, that way you could assign the field names to be the same as what your excel sheet calls them.

Here’s a 10,000 FT view

  1. Determine which fileds in your excel table will be used for the Key fields.
  2. Add UD columns (aka fields) to an unused UD table
  3. Customize a the UD Table form to put the fields in the order you want in the list view.
  4. Use Copy & Paste copy from Excel to the UD table

Future customizations or BPM’s could then reference that data. Maintaining it would be through the UD Table form.