I have done a reasonable amount of customization on my details pane, including a c_AfterRecordSelected event that adjust the titles and hides or shows a button and a panel depending on a UD field being “set” or not.
All was working nicely UNTIL I added and removed and reordered some columns on the landing page. The Case Number link now seems to momentarily change display from “1234” to “1234.000” and then says it can’t find the record, add new?
I am loathe to start a new layer from scratch as have spent quite a long time battling with it to get it to where it was- soooo many clicks.
Any ideas as to what has gone wrong?
One though I have, I did have a custom_after_OnClick_grdLandingPagec event earlier, which I have deleted as its functionality is now being done in my other event. I think it was still working after this, and before my change of landing page grid columns, but can’t be 100% sure (soooo many clicks)…
Update: It appears to be after clicking on the view options for the grid. I was able to import a partial solution from another database and start again… then some hours later I had added data rule highlighting for open cases on the landing page:
But I also wanted to add another view in addition to “All Cases”, one for “Open cases”, so started doing so but as soon as I had added a view via View Options, my landing page seemed to lose its “normal” landing page colouring (let alone my highlighting) and now when click the link the Case Number link it again flashes up the case number with funky formatting 1234.0000 and doesn’t find the case:
I wish there was some way to see and remove the steps made; as it is if you don’t keep on creating layers each step of the way and it goes wrong its pretty catastrophic. I had published a working version before my last breaking change so am just going to slink away from trying to do any more customisation on this for now…