Cash receipts entry applying discount to total invoice with taxes, even though "Payment Discount Before Tax" is selected

I am trying to get the “Cash Receipts Entry” module to calculate a discount of 2% before taxes on any given invoice automatically (so 2% discount on $100 not $113.00 with the 13%). I have selected “Payment Discount Before Tax” in “Tax Type Maintenance” and verified that it is using the proper tax ID to match my invoice. Is there possibly another option that I could have missed to get it to calculate properly?

If this is a “early pay” discount, you need to add the 2% to the AR Terms code.

Andy Cicala
Delivering Effective Business Solutions
Mobile: (973) 615-5033

Hi Tony
I know it’s been more than 2 years since you posted this. Could you please advise if you got it fixed?
Thank you.
have a great day

Never mind. I figured it out.
Thank you though.