Change DMT Error Path

We use DMT in multiple spreadsheets. Our quality department is going to add these to their controlled documents, which means, they will be in a folder that cannot be edited by floor workers. However, this means error logs and such will not be able to access the folder and so DMT will throw an error (we have not moved them over yet). 

Is there a way to change the path of these logs in the arguments when called in VBA through PowerShell or somewhere else?

Thank you,

Here’s a list of all the command line options.

There are options for the log files.

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Thank you, looks like I will need to disable the complete log, or maybe all of the logs. I do not see an option to change the path of the logs. However, I am going to still try an excel specific workaround having it save the csv file generated elsewhere that they do have rights to, and see if it places the logs alongside that file rather than the excel document. Since that isn’t really an Epicor solution I marked yours as solution being it gets the job done too.