Change Op Description When Switching Resource Group IDs

Hi all,
I am making a simple post-processing directive on the ChangeECOOpDtlResourceGrpID method of the EngWorkBench BO.

The goal is to pick up the new resource id group description (from ECOOpDtl.OpDtlDesc), and plop that value into the ECOOper.OpDesc field.

The directive below sort-of works. It updates the description for all operations for the specific part/rev. I tried changing the ‘all rows’ part to ‘updated’, and to ‘changed’. But, the only way I could get anything to update was to use the ‘all’ option.

How do I just get the one row I want to update? Shouldn’t GetDatasetForTree, and the query mapping be enough to identify the row I am looking at?
Thanks for your interest!

Turns out I just had my query setup backwards. I change it to this:

This seems to be working correctly now. Let me know if you all see any issues.
Otherwise, this is solved!

One other edit I had to make:
At the very end I was updating just the dsw dataset.
In order to get the value to display if the user switches tabs, I had to add an update for the ds dataset as well. I just plugged it in at the very end and it works great.