I am trying to change the default file name for all report preview PDF files. I checked a few report-related menus, but they don’t have anything related to this. I tried to find similar issues and couldn’t find anything either.
Currently, Epicor’s process is grabbing the most recent unique identifier and adding +1 to it. For example, when you print preview of SalesOrderAck #14000, it will also name the next invoice to ARInvoiceForm_14001.pdf unless the invoice number is higher than the SalesOrderAck number.
Here’s an example of what I’m trying to accomplish:
I am trying to get a PDF of AR Invoice #13000. However, I don’t want the file to be named ‘ARInvoiceForm_14001.pdf’, following the most recent SalesOrderAck number. Instead, I want to name it to the actual invoice number which is something like ‘ARInvoiceForm_13001-2023_08_07.pdf’. I can use the date and “HHMMss” as a unique identifier so that I don’t run into duplicate report names should that be an issue.