After migrating to E10 it’s our understanding that we need to create method directives on all the tables we want a changelog for to get our changelogs from E9 back… We’re in the process of doing this now, but we’re seeing something odd in the OrderHed Changelog.
Below is a screenshot showing the Changelog and Method Directive. In the changelog is shows all the changes our user Teresa made, that looks great. The problem is the last line in the changelog is for the field ChangedBy and it lists Dana as the user but no other fields changed. I’m told this user didn’t change anything on the order. The data/Changelog seems to indicate the user Dana saved a change to a field we didn’t log(don’t know what changed). Is my understanding correct?
@ckrusen thanks! In your changelogs have you ever logged ChangedBy or ChangeDate fields?
In the case of this order we don’t have any shipments(maybe other fields changed we don’t log or some other process updated orderHed we’re not thinking of)… This makes me question the value of logging the ChangeBy and ChangeDate fields as I’m thinking they will cause more confusion than they help.