One of the main points in our last audit report is that there is no log for any developer actions including customization, BPMs and any other.
what is the best way populate a report showing the developments/changes done. the change log report says about data changes, but i need to show the changes to the system.
I could be wrong, but I’m not aware of any customization change log within Epicor. We store all our customization code and exported customization’s in our source control system. So, when one of the developers has to update a customization, he will verify the current version is in source control(if not add it) and make any required changes (and test). Then copy the code and export the customization and update both in source control with description of changes made and why. I cant think of a reason the could not also apply to BPM’s. This should give you all the reporting you need.
Thanks for the suggestion, i will try to implement.
but our problem is not not only version control,
but the system (epicor) not stopping updates even if we are not maintaining any version control. and later somebody may not be able to identify when what was the change.
For any changes, we have a service desk application that users login their demands (as errors , improvements etc…) That is where all our details are written (what was changed and version applied…)
As for modifications to forms, there is the saving box where we specify the SDnumber from where the change was generated, with a minimum info. It works.
Epicor should introduce the same for their BAQ and directives…that would help a lot. I may suggest a extra table where all tools would share same log window so that, as for your audit, we could easily find related changes as if our referenced SD number is placed for a form change and BAQ change…
Aslo, we use Smartsheet web app, where we added added info as UDtables in use and what for…again with the SD number associated.
Correct, no change log of who and when. There is a kinda-sorta BAQ that can give what has happened though.
Meanwhile, I continue my quest to get ERP users and Epicor to adopt more DevOps practices which would solve this issue and make upgrading easier if keeping customers up-to-date is a priority.