Changing Background Color of home in Epicor

Hi Epicor community and happy new year,

I am wondering if it is possible to change the grey background of home (main window) for all users based on different site/company chosen.
I am aware that this can be done user by user however I’d like to do this centrally and push the changes to all client applications.

Kindly let me know if you know how this can be done.


If you have access to EpicCare, already looked at knowledgebooks?
e.g. KB0073557 - Color Theme based on Companies/Sites in same Epicor DB

I know I used themes to differentiate companies/plants in earlier versions

  • but have not yet tried it in E10/K11.

@Shizar115 What @bordway is pointing to will allow you to change the classic screens. I do this for the top and bottom bar’s colors. If you want to do the background you will need to have Can Publish Home Page Layouts set for your user.

From settings > Appearance Advanced Setting > Adjust background colors You will need to create and save all of the layouts you need.

In Company Maintenance pick the layout you want to be the default.

Users can overwrite this and those settings are saved in Ice.ShellLayoutPersonal

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Hi Greg,

I really appreciate your response.
I followed the steps as you suggested, however I am not sure where to publish the changes.
After making all of the changes, I created a test user and everything is the same for the home screen:

On my own user account I have all of these new colors:

The only option for saving was company-based and I used this button:

Is there a way to push this? I seem to have missed a step of your instructions.

Kind Regards,

Thank you @bordway
As Greg said this is not what I am looking for but I appreciate your response.
What I need to achieve is changing the home screen in Modern View of 10.XXXX Epicor version

Kind Regards,

@Shizar115 Yes. In company maintenance set the default. You may also have to delete your personal layouts to see the defaults.

Hi @gpayne ,

I am having trouble finding the location for setting the layout as default in Company Maintenance

If you mean this one, it seems to only apply the saved/favorited tiles, not the color

Again thank you for your help :slight_smile:

In company maintenance UI Options - Home Page Layout.
I save the layout and then set in company.


Actually it did work @gpayne ,
I had to restart the Client Application.
Thank you again :slight_smile:

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Hi @gpayne
I have encountered an issue.
After deploying the layout, when the user adds a new square to their homepage, the layout defaults back.
Any thoughts?

If you do a personalization purge of global options for the user it resets the color and leaves the tile.

Or you can remove the ice.ShellLayoutPersonal for that user.