Check in Hebrew?

My accounting manager was printing out checks and the dollar amount was in Hebrew and everything else was in English. And that was the only check out of dozens that was like that.

If memory serves, you’ve worked on that check format a lot. Is the rest of the text hard-coded from the report rather than using Epicor’s translated strings?

Was this a check to a supplier and is Hebrew selected as the language?

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Yeah, i worked on it, but never touched the language. I also need to restate that there are others printing out like this as well. Is this the place where the language is selected for the checks to be printed?

And we are still using Epicor’s translated strings.

Pretty sure? We don’t mess with it, but from the field help:


Select the language used by this supplier from this list. This language will be printed on all reports sent to this supplier - such as quotes, sales order acknowledgments, AR Invoices, PO’s, labels, packing slips, and so on. For example:

  • Paris Plastics Inc. is based in France, so you need your PO’s printed out in French. Select French on this supplier record’s Language list. All fields on PO’s sent to Paris Plastics are printed in French. If you have a part description written in French, this will appear on the PO as well. However, any data entered on the PO will appear in the language it was entered.

I’m trying to test to confirm but my test environment is a little messed up at the moment…


So we had one company set to Hebrew in the Lang setting in Supplier Maint, and all others nothing. We removed the Hebrew and it worked correctly.