Classic Customization Freezes After Focus()

So, I gave up trying to make the UD101 Kinetic form do what I needed, but that’s another story.

I’m working in the classic form now. I’ve installed a grid on the header tab so I’ll have everything in one place. It works fine until I add a new record.

When I do that, focus goes to the Child/Detail tab and to the ChildKey1 text box. I want it to go back to the header tab, so I’ve done something like this:

	private void txtChildKey1_Enter(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
		MessageBox.Show("in the text box");

I’ve tried sending focus to the grid, the detail panel, and to a specific text box on the header. That part works fine, too, except that now the screen stops responding and I have to kill Epicor.

After the Focus() line, I’ve tried also tried Show() and Select() without effect.




Events run on a different thread than main try setting the focus on the event by using invoke on the main form

Like this

UD101Form. Invoke((ThreadStart)delegate()
//modify UI elements here


I’m probably not putting it in the right spot and am getting the same result. Like this?

private void txtChildKey1_Enter(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
	//MessageBox.Show("in the text box");




Yes like that but I just realized you made it so that when the mouse enters it focuses… that doesn’t make a lot of sense it’s going to go into a crazy loop me thinks

Boy, I tried every event on that text box I thought might be in the neighborhood of happening after the focus, with similar results.

Then I thought, “Why don’t I just do an after tool click for a new child record?”

Ah, well.

Thanks, Jose.
