Classic Quote screen - user has strange claim

I have a user that claims when they hit save, sometimes it switches which quote record is open, from what they were working on to another quote in the drop down list of open quotes.

If it was a tracker I would think they just didn’t understand the Open With syncing or something, but I am not sure what they are experiencing.

It would be easy to just say they are bonkers and move on, but I try my best…

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I would need them to track when it happened and what quote got “switched to” because with the right data conditions it is possible.

I would probably put a bpm on Update/Updatemaster and GetbyID or GetDataSetForTree which runs the repopulate of the screen with some WriteEntries to log the saved quoteNum and then the retrieved.

It is not a lot to make them and sometimes you find an issue.

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I’ve actually seen this happen with a customer. Take a vid if you can and open a case with Epicor as it is not an isolated incident. I think it MAY have something to do with saving the layout with the grid filters on the landing page. Remove them, save the layout and then turn on as needed. see if that helps.


The phrase “landing page” makes me think you are talking about the kinetic version of the screen and not the classic?

Ah yes sorry, you did say classic

My experience is that the user may have opened the quote form from another tracker or CRM perhaps and the publisher screen has changed. Possibly the act of saving caused this.

I think I told this story before, so for those who have heard it read no further, everyone else, pull that blanket over your knees and rock back in your chair. :wink:

When I first started with Epicor on 9.05. We were using the CRM module for support. (The company I worked for was a software company). Users would enter in cases for our customers and work on them etc. That was all and good, but there was no really simple view of seeing all cases by department (we had various departments in the business that contributed to resolving cases). So we built a really nifty dashboard that showed all open cases by department and employee within each department, call it a pseudo task list if you will.

The dashboard was a great hit, and I was very proud of myself… :smiley:…Then a few weeks later people started reporting issues with cases where the call logs were being added to the wrong cases… I could not work it out… Needless to say the longer it went on the worse things got… I was worried. :scream:

Sitting down with the Support Manager to revisit the problem, “Let’s see if we can replicate the issue” he says

  • Open the dashboard
  • Select a case
  • Right Mouse, Open With Case Management…
  • Add a call log.
  • Close the call log…“Hey Hold on”
  • The Case number had changed.

We tried several things, then we got two screens hooked up so we could see what was happening (Yes there was a time that two screens were a luxury) with all the open forms at once.

Turns out the dashboard was auto refreshing and the selected record was changing to the first case in the dataset, at the same time changing the case on the subscribed forms.

Simply turning off the Auto refresh resolved the issue. Then of course a lot of data to fix up. :dumpster_fire:


Ah yes sorry, you did say classic