I’m afraid that this type of solution no longer works in Kinetic. There is a way to run BAQs from Application Studio, so maybe step back and tell us what this code is trying to do - from a business perspective without any technology terms. What is the ultimate purpose of the customization?
There most certainly is, just not from C# code. You’re running in a browser. The Application Studio way is to have an event that runs the BAQ and the result is put into a DataView. You would then map the result to a component on the page.
If you haven’t watched the Application Studio help, I highly recommend that before starting down this path. Good Guided directions, Articles, and Videos.
Just to build on @Mark_Wonsil’s comments… below are some things you can research that you’ll need to do for this.
You’ll need to create a BAQ DataView in App studio. There are wizards to help do this. This is where the data will be held once you run the BAQ in the dashboard.
I’m assuming you already have a grid from the uplift? You’ll just have to probably change some of the settings so it displays the data from the BAQ dataview you create.
You already have a button… so you’ll just need to create a new event that is triggered by you button to run the BAQ and returns the data.
Look around, a number of posts on here detailing these, but if you need help or have questions… just fire away!