Clock Out

What Version and patch level are you at?

John Yohannan

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Nijdam [mailto:martinn@...]
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2000 10:29 AM
To: Oneliste (E-mail)
Subject: [Vantage] Clock Out

Our Shop floor employees are now using Vantage data collection terminals as
punch clocks. Unfortunaly some stations are freezing at clock out time (for
about 20 seconds). Have any of you experienced this? Have you found any

Martin Nijdam (Jr. Ing.)
Suss Woodcraft Int'l
(514) 363-3565

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Our Shop floor employees are now using Vantage data collection terminals as
punch clocks. Unfortunaly some stations are freezing at clock out time (for
about 20 seconds). Have any of you experienced this? Have you found any

Martin Nijdam (Jr. Ing.)
Suss Woodcraft Int'l
(514) 363-3565