Combining Invoices for customers

Hi all,
Does anyone have experience combining invoices for customers? We had a customer ask if it’s possible, since they often receive multiple invoices/credit invoices for shipments and returns every month and apparently that’s confusing for them.

You can use consolidated invoicing

Consolidate Sales Orders
When selected, this check box indicates that this customer can have multiple orders placed together on the same AR invoice. This is used during the Get Shipments program within AR Invoice Entry. If you clear this check box, separate invoices are created for each order placed by this customer.

Yes you can use consolidated invoices.

Thanks guys, I’ll take a look

Can this function be used if you are not using the get shipment but using misc invc. I do not think you can but just asking.

Hi All,

I am currently trying to combine SOs on a single invoice for one of our clients and this feature seems to be working part of the time, but not others. I believe it may be due to the fact that there is a cash deposit applied against the SOs that aren’t combining. Could this be the case? And if so, is there any way around this?

Thanks in advance for your help!


Because of the deposit, I doubt it. I don’t know why but that is what it is.
