Command line DMT - Changing Delimiter from comma to Pipe

good evening, I have been able to create a number of DMT jobs to export data for our parent company. They would like the delimiter to be a pipe and not a comma.

I have tried this in the argument list -Delimiter=|" along with -Delimiter |" and then -Delimiter ‘|’"

No luck always a comma

Any thoughts on this?

I believe that command line switch only applies to DMT as an import.

You could use a Powershell script to convert the output of DMT Export, substituting the pipe for the comma.

Might get a little tricky if there are commas in the data. In that case you might need to figure out if it is a field separator or actual field data.

@ckrusen disappointed to hear this as I know BAQ Export you can have a different delimiter. I continue to try and keep Part Description, Customer Address and so forth without a comma, but users enter what they do.

Hopefully someone else has an idea on how to support this.

Maybe I should have emphasized “I believe” …

There’s a good chance the pipe character is causing the problem as it is used by the command line itself. Best to check if the switch works for exports by trying an alternate character - one not interpreted by command line (so no |, >, or <)


just did a search, and it looks like you can escape a pipe by using ^|

so maybe try:

edit #2

Another suggestion I found was to define the pipe in your environment and refer to it by a variable

set PIPE="|"
.... -Delimiter=%PIPE% ...

And many more …

Note that these apply to PowerShell and not the DOS command line or BAT files

@ckrusen Trying this now. Might have to look at something else

@ckrusen How I got this to work was to change the default in windows for the region - advances and for the list separator. Scripts are simple and fast (After initial load).

There is a parameter setting as a default in DMT (click the gears in the bottom right). That sets the default so that might work also, but this is working and will stick with this.

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