Condition Statement in Epicor 9 - Need Assistance

Hello Everyone,

I need assistance in creating a simple if statement.
My logic if a date field is blank then type No if not blank then type Yes.

Here is the code I put into the calculation

and it said the logic was fine. Until I executed the report and I received this error.

I would appreciate any assistance on this.

Thanks in Advance.

Try replacing the β€œ0” with ?

Hello Marc,

Now I get the following message.

If you remove this condition the report works fine? Just trying to confirm it is indeed this expression that is causing the issue.

Try != β€œβ€ instead of > β€œ0”

If JobHead.UserDate2 = β€œβ€ Then β€œY” Else β€œN”

Now getting this error from the setup (See below)

If JobHead.UserDate = ? Then β€˜Y’ Else β€˜N’

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Try this. Do you have another field that is definitely always going to be blank.
If so, then try this, in this example UserDate2 field will always be blank.

If String(JobHead.UserDate1) = String(JobHead.UserDate2) Then β€œNo” Else β€œYes”

Hello Aeron,

That worked. Thank you.