Thanks Jim, that did it. I was also able to set rules to delete qty. input box and price box (we use this price box for setting the total cost for an order) when a "Non-Part" is entered. This is going to cut way down on input errors.
Thank You
Thank You
--- In, "jckinneman" <jckinneman@...> wrote:
> add a no-error on the find statement. Progress is probably reporting an error in the server log that you aren't seeing. Without the no-error you are letting progress deal with the "error" of finding no part. With the no-error you are telling progress "I will handle the errors".
> FIND Part WHERE Part.partNum = chrS1 AND Part.Company = "JSI" NO-LOCK NO-ERROR.
> if available part then
> do:
> /* what you want to happen if part is found */
> end.
> else
> do:
> /* what you want to happen if not part is found */
> end.
> Jim Kinneman
> Encompass Solutions, Inc
> --- In, "gmack110256" <genemack@> wrote:
> >
> > I am setting up a new configured part in our system. We have both "stock" and "non-stock" parts in our system. I am setting up different character boxes tha will allow sales staff to input any part number in the system. I have used the following on leave rule for these boxes.
> >
> > FIND Part WHERE Part.partNum = chrS1 AND Part.Company = "JSI" NO-LOCK.
> >
> > if available Part then
> >
> > chrS1C = Part.Class
> >
> > This triggers the Part.Class to be populated in the next character box for verification of stock verses non-stock part status. This works fine. My question is this, if you go back and change the part number in the first box to a number that is not in the system (basically a non part) and tab out the "Class" box retains the Part.Class that was tied to the orginal part.
> >
> > Does any know if there is a line of code I can put in that will take the Part.Class out if the number entered is not a part in the system?
> >
> > Thank You
> > Gene
> >