I didn’t want to necropost, but I’ll show the original below:
… wondering if this functionality was ever added/brought back?
Using Kinetic configurator… the Action Result claims success, but is there anywhere to view the resulting change?
I am VERY green to Configurator and also a beginner C# coder… so being able to easily test and verify my expressions are actually working as intended is pretty critical!
I’m trying to impact the QtyPer fields, specifically on QuoteMtl. I’m not even sure where to see that in quote entry if I created a test quote. Would I go into the Quote Line Engineering? If so, the assembly is currently empty, I’d have to get details from somewhere.
Again, being new to Configurator, I don’t know if my configurator isn’t working… or if quote engineering is completely separated and this is not the place to look.
Any advice for a beginner configurator-or on how to verify and troubleshoot this stuff?