Curious if anyone else has ever run into this. We run about 60% of our product Make Direct Non-Stock. Occasionally we will over-run because it makes sense for us from a changeover standpoint knowing it will be purchased again. We will put that over-run in inventory in a bin, but of course MRP won’t look to that when the next order gets put in so it asks for a job for the full amount. I swear i’ve seen checkboxes or options somewhere but is there a way to get MRP to look to inventory even for nonstock items first?
Joshua, there are no flags for MRP to do this but we have put in some quick
searches on Planning Workbench so that when they look at unfirm Make to
Order suggestions you can bump those up against the MTO part numbers and
show on-hand amounts so that the planner can make decisions as to how much
they need on the job suggestion versus what they will be able to ship from
Mark Wagner
Sr. Partner
Capstone Alliance Partners 888.597.2227 Ext. 71
<888.597.2227%20Ext.%20714>2 | 904.412.6847 (cell)
I thought that might be the case, but had hoped otherwise. We don’t use the plannnig workbench at the moment seems there is way too much noise, but we do use a UBAQ i wonder if i can show on-hand in there. Thanks for the confirmation.
Handled using this dashboard right now. We firm up and release the jobs from here, shows OnHand 3rd column from the right. Thanks for the input again!
Yes you could still use the BAQ to show the suggestions and then link that
to either partbin or partwarehouse to see the on hand depending on the
level of detail you need
Mark Wagner
Sr. Partner
Capstone Alliance Partners 888.597.2227 Ext. 71
<888.597.2227%20Ext.%20714>2 | 904.412.6847 (cell)
I’ve done a solution for a similar situation. We wrote a BAQ which checked the all of the items on the job for quantity on hand that could be used rather than making, either on the top level job or lower level make direct items. We then put a BPM that fires when the job is scheduled to check for parts on hand. If there are parts that could be used, a pop-up window is displayed. We chose the the scheduling as it worked in their process flow as the best time for notification
Jim Rogers.
Part > Plants > Planning - Auto Consume Stock is designed to do something like this. It will fulfill from inventory if there is enough in inventory, and create a job if there isn’t enough inventory. However, it will never partially fulfill from inventory, so will never take inventory to zero unless the demand is in small enough increments.