Hi eveyone!, here im again…
this time thats what happen…
We got a Process that get MRP PO Suggestions Results and make some calcs to use on better way the supplier partitions. We work with Contracts PO, that MRP dont see when make calculations, so we do it manually on this process.
the end of process make all results “firm”, making from suggestions the releases on contracts po.
first delete unnecesary releases, then add the news.
when deleting the releases, podetail OurQty y SupplierQty is getting down for the amount of releases we delete.
but from update… when adding new releases… this dont get up the OurQty and SupplierQty fields! getting negative values…
here a little images to be more visual with a little explanation:
little supplier part schedule custom configurations (allow to set multiple and minimunqty for example to supplier and not tu part)
DB suggestions for example part
Actual PO Status (have a release with 1000 on status OPEN)
DB from PO Detail (have 0 cause on this record we alreally have the error… must be 3000)
After we run the process, here are the results will impact:
- 9166-5-2 will go to receiveqty (100)
- 9166-5-3 will be deleted
- 9166-5-3 (new) will be added, qty 1000 and duedate 23/05/2019
- 9166-5-4 will be deleted
- 9166-5-4 (new) will be added, qty 1000 and duedate 24/05/2019
- 9166-5-5 (new) will be added, qty 1000 and duedate 13/06/2019
- 9166-5-6 (new) will be added, qty 1000 and duedate 04/07/2019
So… first detele the releases 3 and 4
after that… PODetail OurQty get a -2000 Value
Here is “Modification and Add last executions”, where modify teh PORelQty and Save Changes
Dataset with release added
and there is the execution log…
The result: PO Detail OurQty and SupplierQty dont change…
and all releases was created!
before we migrated to 10.2.200 this works fine…
any idea?