Controls for attachments extension type in Epicor

Hi Everyone,

Is there any control for attachment types in Epicor?
For example, I want to restrict user to only be able to attach .pdf files.

Thanks in advance!

Tried creating a BPM but doesn’t seem to work.
Error would be prompted if there are no DocType selected, however, it would allow user to attach non-pdf file if any doctype is selected.

You need to be making pre-processing directives.

Hey Kevin!

Thank for your reply!

I have tried per-processing initially before moving it over to base, doesn’t seem to work the magic.

@CCK In a DD on XFileRef I do a check that the filename does not contain a colon to stop local files.
I would try using the same to check that the name contains pdf and then the false path would be an exception.


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@gpayne Thanks for the tips! Sounds like a plan, let me try it out.


I’m a little lost in data directive in regards to throwing the exception as it doesn’t seem to have the same raise error tools in method directive, appreciate if anyone can provide me some hint on how to throw an exception if the condition is false.


You’ll need to be making an in-trans directive.

The data is already written in a standard data directive.

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you’re the man! thanks for highlighting that out, all good to go now.

Thanks everyone for the assistance!!

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