Hi Jenny,
Get Table data will work in 702 what has given you that impression?
BAQ’s do work in 702. Maybe try creating a new drop down instead just to rule out some stale data still in there.
From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: 11 February 2015 07:30
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Converting GetTableData.r statements to BAQs for Dynamic Lists in Product Configurator
This is my first ever post here and I hope someone can help.
Currently on E9.05.607 going to E9.05.702 as an intermediate step to upgrade to E10.
From previous testing a while back, I know that GetTableData.r statements won’t work in Product Configurator (PC) in 702 so I’m trying to convert them all to BAQs ( a “newby†to BAQs) but am having issues.
"AnalysisCd","AnalysisCode","description","","","AnalysisCd.material = 'yes' and AnalysisCd.AnalysisCode <> 'PLA01'"
for each AnalysisCd no-lock where AnalysisCd.material = Yes And AnalysisCd.AnalysisCode <> 'PLA01' by AnalysisCd.Description .
Substituting the BAQ into the Run BAQ: using Display Value: AnalysisCd.Description and Input Value: AnalysisCd.AnalysisCode . Unsure about this Input Value??
Test Inputs gives me “Parameter count mismatch†error. Tried various Dynamic List Criteria but the same error.
Is there a trick to this? When I get this working, I want to pass the Selected Input to the next Input field which will select the colour of the part.
Any thoughts? Thanks, in advance.
Configurator Specialist
CE Bartlett Pty Ltd
Stephen Edginton (Beng) | Solutions & Technical Director |
Dot Net IT Limited, One St Kenelm Court, Steel Park Road, Halesowen, B62 8HD, United Kingdom.