What version of Vantage or you on?
We used to use "\\YourServerName\PathToYourReport\ReportName.rpt" Then last
weekend I installed 408b, and after that this wouldn't work anymore. I had
to move all of the files and change all of the paths to
"/CustomReports/ReportName.rpt" which is the folder located in
I have an open call with Epicor about this, but I haven't gotten anywhere.
The tech has tried to say the system is designed to work this way. However,
for the last 4 years I've done it using the UNC path of a folder on the
server and all was fine. Actually, according to the directions Epicor sent
me, this is how they tell you to do it as well (See Below, Step 10).
Hope this helps,
Norman Hutchins
Network Administrator
Howell Laboratories, Inc.
Shively Labs
Summary: CR "Auto load error" and "Application Load error"
Crystal Reports
Book: Support Solutions
Page: 5140MPS
PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Printing or previewing any XML style reports fails
with the error "Application Load error" or an "Auto load error" in the
System Monitor. There may also be a "Load Report Failed" message.
May also have the message "System cannot find the path specified.
stack trace."
May be while trying to run a custom Crystal report that has been added
the menu via Menu Maintenance. This may also occur for a standard
Report, though that is rare.
PROBLEM RESOLUTION: There are several reasons for these error messages.
Check the following:
1. Go to System Management->Utilities->System Agent. Look at the
Program Directory. It probably has a physical path; try changing it to
UNC. Crystal reports should now print.
CLOSELY LOOK AT THE SPELLING. "Server" is spelled "Sever". And that's
just not going to work.
2. Go to System Management->Utilities->System Agent. Check the System
AppServer URL, and make certain the server name and port number are
for this AppServer. This can be checked in the Progress Explorer Tool.
3. User needs to have full control over the file to open and print it.
4. If this is a custom Crystal Report, added as a Vantage menu: Go
System Management > Security Maintenance > Menu Maintenance and navigate
the report menu item in question. Look at the Report Path field. This
value should just be something like
<file:///\\ServerName\CustomReports\MyCustomReport.rpt> .
5. Go to System Management->Company Maintenance->Report Style
and select the problem report in the tree on the left. Then select
Standard style below it. On the right side, for the company you are
logged into, check the Valid and Default boxes.
6. Go into System Management > Security Maintenance > Menu Maintenance
navigate to the report menu item in question. Look at the Report Path
field. This value should just be something like
<file:///\\ServerName\CustomReports\MyCustomReport.rpt> .
7. Make certain the file name is not too long. If necessary, change
actual report name to an 8.3 format, like PackTest.rpt. Also make sure
the report name itself does not contain spaces like "Custom Report.rpt".
should be CustomReport.rpt.
8. In the Properties for the TaskAgent and ProcessServer AppServers,
cannot be an entry for PROPATH the points to a \reports folder before
path to \epicor\mfgsys80\server\reports (or mfgsys803\reports).
9. If this occurring on Terminal Server or Citrix clients, but LAN
can print fine, see document 8648MPS.
10. Older functionality in menu maintenance had you add a '-r
<file:///\\ServerName\CustomReports\MyReport.rpt> ' parameter. The new
assumes the -r if the program type is Custom Report link. You just need
provide the path include the report file name. There is no need for the
parameter anymore.
11. As of patch VN 8.00.802, make certain the Crystal Reports X Runtime
installed on this client. These are perquisites necessary on any
client that will be printing Crystal Reports forms. If they are
they will be listed under the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel.
There have been instances where the Crystal X Runtime has not completely
un-installed, and is still visible in the Windows add\remove programs
Check that it is no longer there before attempting a reinstall of the
Crystal X Runtime. Reboot the pc after the app does not appear in the
add\remove programs list. Reinstall the Crystal X Runtime, and when
installing, select install for "all users" option during setup.
12. As of patch VN 8.00.803, make certain the Crystal Report XI Runtime
installed on this client. These are prerequisites necessary on any
client that will be printing Crystal Reports forms. If they are
they will be listed under the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel.
There have been instances where the Crystal XI Runtime has not
un-installed, and is still visible in the Windows add\remove programs
Check that it is no longer there before attempting a reinstall of the
Crystal XI Runtime. Reboot the pc after the app does not appear in the
add\remove programs list. Reinstall the Crystal XI Runtime, and when
installing, select install for "all users" option during setup.
13. As of patch VN 8.00.808, make certain the Crystal Report XI R2
is installed on this client. These are prerequisites necessary on any
Vantage client that will be printing Crystal Reports forms. If they are
installed, they will be listed under the Add/Remove Programs Control
There have been instances where the Crystal XI R2 Runtime has not
un-installed, and is still visible in the Windows add\remove programs
Check that it is no longer there before attempting a reinstall of the
Crystal XI R2 Runtime. Reboot the pc after the app does not appear in
add\remove programs list. Reinstall the Crystal XI R2 Runtime, and when
installing, select install for "all users" option during setup.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
We used to use "\\YourServerName\PathToYourReport\ReportName.rpt" Then last
weekend I installed 408b, and after that this wouldn't work anymore. I had
to move all of the files and change all of the paths to
"/CustomReports/ReportName.rpt" which is the folder located in
I have an open call with Epicor about this, but I haven't gotten anywhere.
The tech has tried to say the system is designed to work this way. However,
for the last 4 years I've done it using the UNC path of a folder on the
server and all was fine. Actually, according to the directions Epicor sent
me, this is how they tell you to do it as well (See Below, Step 10).
Hope this helps,
Norman Hutchins
Network Administrator
Howell Laboratories, Inc.
Shively Labs
Summary: CR "Auto load error" and "Application Load error"
Crystal Reports
Book: Support Solutions
Page: 5140MPS
PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Printing or previewing any XML style reports fails
with the error "Application Load error" or an "Auto load error" in the
System Monitor. There may also be a "Load Report Failed" message.
May also have the message "System cannot find the path specified.
stack trace."
May be while trying to run a custom Crystal report that has been added
the menu via Menu Maintenance. This may also occur for a standard
Report, though that is rare.
PROBLEM RESOLUTION: There are several reasons for these error messages.
Check the following:
1. Go to System Management->Utilities->System Agent. Look at the
Program Directory. It probably has a physical path; try changing it to
UNC. Crystal reports should now print.
CLOSELY LOOK AT THE SPELLING. "Server" is spelled "Sever". And that's
just not going to work.
2. Go to System Management->Utilities->System Agent. Check the System
AppServer URL, and make certain the server name and port number are
for this AppServer. This can be checked in the Progress Explorer Tool.
3. User needs to have full control over the file to open and print it.
4. If this is a custom Crystal Report, added as a Vantage menu: Go
System Management > Security Maintenance > Menu Maintenance and navigate
the report menu item in question. Look at the Report Path field. This
value should just be something like
<file:///\\ServerName\CustomReports\MyCustomReport.rpt> .
5. Go to System Management->Company Maintenance->Report Style
and select the problem report in the tree on the left. Then select
Standard style below it. On the right side, for the company you are
logged into, check the Valid and Default boxes.
6. Go into System Management > Security Maintenance > Menu Maintenance
navigate to the report menu item in question. Look at the Report Path
field. This value should just be something like
<file:///\\ServerName\CustomReports\MyCustomReport.rpt> .
7. Make certain the file name is not too long. If necessary, change
actual report name to an 8.3 format, like PackTest.rpt. Also make sure
the report name itself does not contain spaces like "Custom Report.rpt".
should be CustomReport.rpt.
8. In the Properties for the TaskAgent and ProcessServer AppServers,
cannot be an entry for PROPATH the points to a \reports folder before
path to \epicor\mfgsys80\server\reports (or mfgsys803\reports).
9. If this occurring on Terminal Server or Citrix clients, but LAN
can print fine, see document 8648MPS.
10. Older functionality in menu maintenance had you add a '-r
<file:///\\ServerName\CustomReports\MyReport.rpt> ' parameter. The new
assumes the -r if the program type is Custom Report link. You just need
provide the path include the report file name. There is no need for the
parameter anymore.
11. As of patch VN 8.00.802, make certain the Crystal Reports X Runtime
installed on this client. These are perquisites necessary on any
client that will be printing Crystal Reports forms. If they are
they will be listed under the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel.
There have been instances where the Crystal X Runtime has not completely
un-installed, and is still visible in the Windows add\remove programs
Check that it is no longer there before attempting a reinstall of the
Crystal X Runtime. Reboot the pc after the app does not appear in the
add\remove programs list. Reinstall the Crystal X Runtime, and when
installing, select install for "all users" option during setup.
12. As of patch VN 8.00.803, make certain the Crystal Report XI Runtime
installed on this client. These are prerequisites necessary on any
client that will be printing Crystal Reports forms. If they are
they will be listed under the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel.
There have been instances where the Crystal XI Runtime has not
un-installed, and is still visible in the Windows add\remove programs
Check that it is no longer there before attempting a reinstall of the
Crystal XI Runtime. Reboot the pc after the app does not appear in the
add\remove programs list. Reinstall the Crystal XI Runtime, and when
installing, select install for "all users" option during setup.
13. As of patch VN 8.00.808, make certain the Crystal Report XI R2
is installed on this client. These are prerequisites necessary on any
Vantage client that will be printing Crystal Reports forms. If they are
installed, they will be listed under the Add/Remove Programs Control
There have been instances where the Crystal XI R2 Runtime has not
un-installed, and is still visible in the Windows add\remove programs
Check that it is no longer there before attempting a reinstall of the
Crystal XI R2 Runtime. Reboot the pc after the app does not appear in
add\remove programs list. Reinstall the Crystal XI R2 Runtime, and when
installing, select install for "all users" option during setup.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]