Hi - Thanks for everyone's feedback. Yes, I was aware of the poor reputation of the CorVu product.
Our core driver for setting it up is to get better sales reporting - as reporting right now is apparently performed in ad hoc fashion, and/or with some fluffing around in Excel. A more consistent/unified approach is sought.
We're on 8.03.405A, Progress.
We currently use the BAQs, Dashboards and Crystal for our reporting (+ Excel by those who insist on it - or who need a one-off solution).
Our core driver for setting it up is to get better sales reporting - as reporting right now is apparently performed in ad hoc fashion, and/or with some fluffing around in Excel. A more consistent/unified approach is sought.
We're on 8.03.405A, Progress.
We currently use the BAQs, Dashboards and Crystal for our reporting (+ Excel by those who insist on it - or who need a one-off solution).
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "cooner_55421" <cooner_55421@...> wrote:
> Just wondering if you have something specific you want to get out of Vantage?
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Kerry_Muntz" <kerry_muntz@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi - Our company has had CorVu for some time - but for one reason or another we've never used it.
> >
> > Now we are looking at getting into it - and I'm just wondering where best to start. Are there any good instructional - demo videos etc anywhere? (I'm a bit of an audio-learner.)
> >
> > We have the user guide etc.
> >
> > Would it be worth us paying for some training locally, or is it better to wing it for a while first? We usually take the latter approach to things, and the times we have had trainings in different products have been mostly disappointing.
> >
> > cheers
> > Kerry
> >