Cost WorkBench Problem (Labor)

Here is an MS Access query I use to check my operation costs. If you have odbc setup, it might help you troubleshoot your issue. Just add a filter for your part number. In case you don't read SQL, the table structure of the query is as follows:


You might notice I have the child Resource Group on the outside of the parent Resource table. That's because I only have the resource added to my operations and not the resource group. This means the ResourceGrpID field is not populated in the PartOpDtl table. But sometimes the labor and burden rates are from the resource group, so I linked that in on the outside. You may need to adjust the query if your resource setup is different.

SELECT PUB_PartOpr.PartNum, PUB_PartOpr.RevisionNum AS Rev, PUB_PartOpr.RunQty, PUB_PartOpr.OprSeq, PUB_PartOpr.OpCode, PUB_PartOpr.OpDesc, PUB_PartOpr.ProdStandard, PUB_PartOpDtl.ResourceID, PUB_PartOpDtl.ResourceGrpID, PUB_PartOpr.StdFormat, IIf([GetDefaultLaborFromGroup],pub_resourcegroup.ProdLabRate,pub_resource.prodLabrate) AS ProdLaborRate, IIf([GetDefaultBurdenFromGroup],pub_resourcegroup.ProdBurRate,pub_resource.prodburrate) AS ProdBurdenRate, [runqty]*[prodstandard]*[prodlaborrate] AS ProdLbrCost, [ProdLbrCost]*[prodburdenrate]/100 AS ProdBurdenCost, PUB_PartOpr.EstProdHours, PUB_PartOpr.EstSetHours, [estsetHours]*[setuplaborrate] AS SetupLbrCost, IIf([GetDefaultLaborFromGroup],pub_resourcegroup.SetupLabRate,pub_resource.SetupLabRate) AS SetupLaborRate, IIf([GetDefaultLaborFromGroup],pub_resourcegroup.SetupBurRate,pub_resource.SetupBurRate) AS SetupBurRate, [setupburrate]/100*[setuplaborrate]*[estsethours] AS SetupBurCost, PUB_PartRev.Approved
FROM PUB_PartRev INNER JOIN (((PUB_PartOpr LEFT JOIN PUB_PartOpDtl ON (PUB_PartOpr.Company = PUB_PartOpDtl.Company) AND (PUB_PartOpr.OprSeq = PUB_PartOpDtl.OprSeq) AND (PUB_PartOpr.RevisionNum = PUB_PartOpDtl.RevisionNum) AND (PUB_PartOpr.PartNum = PUB_PartOpDtl.PartNum)) LEFT JOIN PUB_Resource ON (PUB_PartOpDtl.Company = PUB_Resource.Company) AND (PUB_PartOpDtl.ResourceID = PUB_Resource.ResourceID)) LEFT JOIN PUB_ResourceGroup ON (PUB_Resource.ResourceGrpID = PUB_ResourceGroup.ResourceGrpID) AND (PUB_Resource.Company = PUB_ResourceGroup.Company)) ON (PUB_PartRev.Company = PUB_PartOpr.Company) AND (PUB_PartRev.PartNum = PUB_PartOpr.PartNum) AND (PUB_PartRev.RevisionNum = PUB_PartOpr.RevisionNum)
WHERE (((PUB_PartRev.Approved)=True));

--- In, "Marty" <marty1325@...> wrote:
> I am trying to roll up a new part we are making. I am able to get Material and Burden Cost for this part but No Labor. I could see no Labor or Burden if we forgot to put a rate per hour in our MOM. But with getting Burden I am confused.
> I looked at the MOM and I can't see anything wrong it with it as far as a Rate per hour and its looking up a resource to use on each of the operations.
> Anyone else run into something like this.
> We are using Vantage 8.03.305L
> I have done rollups in the past and never had this problem. I assume the problem is in the MOM and not at the resource level since its worked in the past.
> Any Help would be appreciated.
> Everyone have a good weekend
> Marty
I am trying to roll up a new part we are making. I am able to get Material and Burden Cost for this part but No Labor. I could see no Labor or Burden if we forgot to put a rate per hour in our MOM. But with getting Burden I am confused.

I looked at the MOM and I can't see anything wrong it with it as far as a Rate per hour and its looking up a resource to use on each of the operations.

Anyone else run into something like this.

We are using Vantage 8.03.305L

I have done rollups in the past and never had this problem. I assume the problem is in the MOM and not at the resource level since its worked in the past.

Any Help would be appreciated.

Everyone have a good weekend
