Thank you very much to all of you who replied. You guys saved me a ton of time. It works great with my test data at the moment.
--- In, "Adele" <arbjorklund@...> wrote:
> Hi -
> once you have the field on your Crystal Report, Right click on the field. Click on Insert, click on summary, change sum to distinct count and save.
> --- In, "unackvi" <unackvi@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> > I have a crystal report based on a user defined table that lists Repair Order data for Part Numbers e.g. Part Number, Repair Order Number, Line Number, Qty etc.
> >
> > In the summary section I need to list the number of unique Repair Order Numbers listed in the report but I am almost clueless how to approach this. Conventionally if I had a Data Type 'Set'/'Array' I would loop through the records and add Repair Order Number to the set/array if already didn't exist until I reach the end.
> >
> > I would welcome any ideas to achieve the task.
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Uzma.
> >