Thank you! I’ll try it.
*Amélie Pelletier*
*Analyste Programmeur / Program analyst*
[image: cid:image001.jpg@01CD5525.2091A820]
*230, Boulevard Nilus-Leclerc*
*L'Islet, Québec (Canada)*
*G0R 2C0*
*Téléphone: 418-247-3986 ext. 2390*
*Fax: 418-247-7925*
*amelie.pelletier@... <brigitte.savoie@...>*
*P* Est-ce nécessaire d’imprimer ce message?
*Please consider the environment before printing this email**.*
*De :* []
*Envoyé :* 17 octobre 2014 16:02
*À :*
*Objet :* [Vantage] Re: CRM Dashboard
If you are using aggregate functions such as
Total(QuoteHed.TotalGrossValue) in your formula, verify that the QuoteHed
table is set as a Summary table, otherwise you will receive errors when
trying to create the calculated field.
Brian M. Garver
Northern Concrete Pipe, Inc.
401 Kelton Street
Bay City, MI 48706
989.892.3533 fax
*Check out our standard details and other product information available on
our web site at <>*
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is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
*Amélie Pelletier*
*Analyste Programmeur / Program analyst*
[image: cid:image001.jpg@01CD5525.2091A820]
*230, Boulevard Nilus-Leclerc*
*L'Islet, Québec (Canada)*
*G0R 2C0*
*Téléphone: 418-247-3986 ext. 2390*
*Fax: 418-247-7925*
*amelie.pelletier@... <brigitte.savoie@...>*
*P* Est-ce nécessaire d’imprimer ce message?
*Please consider the environment before printing this email**.*
*De :* []
*Envoyé :* 17 octobre 2014 16:02
*À :*
*Objet :* [Vantage] Re: CRM Dashboard
If you are using aggregate functions such as
Total(QuoteHed.TotalGrossValue) in your formula, verify that the QuoteHed
table is set as a Summary table, otherwise you will receive errors when
trying to create the calculated field.
Brian M. Garver
Northern Concrete Pipe, Inc.
401 Kelton Street
Bay City, MI 48706
989.892.3533 fax
*Check out our standard details and other product information available on
our web site at <>*
*CONFIDENTIALITY: This email communication may contain CONFIDENTIAL
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communication, you are hereby notified that any unauthorized review, use,
dissemination, distribution, downloading, or copying of this communication
is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,
please immediately notify us by reply e-mail, delete the communication and
destroy all copies.*
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