Hi, I have a problem where CRM task are not automatically assigned to the right people. I pretty much understand workforce, role, autorized users and all the parts needed to make it works.
The problem is… There is no fu*** place to choose the CRM workflow group…
I am unable to find the link between workflow group and task set.
The only place where they are linked together is in the CRM workflow group, it specifies the default task set . It should be the other way around. Default workflow group per task set …
I am able to make it work perfectly on ECO since the link between eco group and workflow group is obvious…
plz help me guys.
Also, i aws not able to find any documentation on this subject… Sned it to me if you find some plz.
The system uses the Territory Salespersons to assign the roles. You can add multiple people and assign them different roles. If you do that, then the tasks will get assigned to the people and roles defined in the territory.
Thanks ,it does work if i do the exact same setup in my territory that i did in workflow group. As i said in my last post this is a not the same as eco group and if this is not the way to use CRM workflow group. Is anybody aware of CRM workflow group usage ?
I’m not sure if there is a process that will allow you to update open tasks from X to Y. But the Sales Territory screen has a way to change the salesperson and I am 99% sure that part of the process is to reassign tasks.