In Payment Proposal crystal report, i’m trying to only return records were the running total is greater than 0…(so no negative balances).
Normally to filter, i would right click on the field and select “select expert”, but this functionality doesn’t seem to work the same (probably because its not a database field but a running total field).
I think you’re right in that the Running Total is not showing up as a selection option because the calculation for it happens as the report runs so it isn’t something you can filter records by. The only option I can think of for this situation would be a Suppression Formula and to suppress the Section or Group if the Running Total is less than or equal to 0.
i just tried this:
right clicked on highlighted field and selected select expert, picked the field “sum of APinvhed.calc_payamt”…and then sais is greater than 0.00
I think you’ll need to use the famous “Three Calculated Fields” method.
The first initializes a global variable to 0. This is usually placed in a group header.
The second does the summing (adds the field value to global variable). In here is where you could put fancy logic; like stop adding if the running sum(the global var you’re using) goes negative
The last is used to display it. Not necessary if the value of the second is being displayed. But is used if you only want the end total for a group footer.