Re-enter the user & pass in system agent. Not system monitor.
From: [] On Behalf Of dave.glazewski@...
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 2:57 PM
Subject: [Vantage] RE: Crystal Report printing issue
Jim check what settings in system monitor? I looked and no settings really pop out as being something to try.
Crystal Runtime 2010 is installed on the clients
---In, <jim_chance@...> wrote:
A couple of things come to mind…….
Check what Crystal runtime is being used. For .702 it should be CR 2010
Check system agent settings.
From: [] On Behalf Of dave.glazewski@...
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2013 9:44 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Crystal Report printing issue
Have an odd issue that is making support scratch it's head.
Company uses 905.702. Epicor server is Windows 2008 R2, Database is 64-bit progress. Clients are 32 bit windows 7.
This company is currently on Vantage 6.1 and is moving 905.702. They are not converting the 6.1 install but instead retyping all the needed data. They have discovered that they are unable to print modified Crystal reports to any of the 3 network printers in the company, They can print those modified reports to USB attached printers, and they can print it to PDF and then print that to the network printer. I am able to print the modified reports from the 64-bit servers to the same network printers.I brought over a 64-bit Win 7 laptop and I was able to print the modified reports to the network printer. Users can print the unmodified report style to the network printer, they can only not print the modified report style.
The 3 network printers are a HP 2600, Sharp MX-M453M and color Brother printer. I've tried installing the printer from the print server and installing it directly on the client machine. I've tried every driver option that was on the printers manufactures website.
The reports tested and failed are all the stock Epicor Reports like Job Traveler, Job Opportunity and one like that. All report styles where modified by the same person and he just took the stock report, modified it and then did a save as. We both work for a 3 person ownership group that have 5 companies which all uses Epicor. He has been doing reports for 10 years in Epicor if not longer. We moved a copy of the report style to a different company running 702 and got the same results. No print on 32 bit but will print on 64-bit.
Anyone have any clues on this.