I have implemented your fix. You are awesome! Thank you so much for this help. I owe you big!
I have implemented your fix. You are awesome! Thank you so much for this help. I owe you big!
--- In, "Lisser, Jennifer" <Jennifer.Lisser@...> wrote:
> Rob,
> It sounds like you have JobNum as your top group with your op codes as
> individual records beneath JobNum. In order to have them appear in 1
> string you'll have to use a variable and 'while printing records'. If
> the report can contain several job numbers, then you'll have to reset
> the string too.
> CREATE LIST - put at the same level as OpCode variables appear
> whileprintingrecords;
> stringVar Item:= {TABLE.OpCode} ;
> stringVar Chain;
> NumberVar ChCnt;
> if Chain = '' then
> chain := 'Job: ' + {TABLE.JobNum} + 'Process: ' + Item
> else
> chain := chain + '-' + Item
> DISPLAY LIST - Put where you want this to display, needs to go after all
> the OpCodes would be defined (e.g. footer section)
> WhilePrintingRecords;
> StringVar Chain
> RESET LIST - Put in the section after the display (e.g. job num group
> header so it resets with each new job num)
> WhilePrintingRecords;
> StringVar chain := '';
> Jennifer Lisser
> Business Analyst
> Dorner Mfg. Corp.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]