Crystal Reports Question - Shared Variables from Subreports


It may be worth trying two instances of the Sub Report. The first in the group header with "Can Grow" set to false and/or the section hidden. This will just be used to get the Shared Variable to the report earlier and would not be seen by users. The second instance of the Sub Report would be used for display to the user and would no longer need to pass Shared Variable to the Container Report.

Just a thought...


--- In, "vicdrecchio" <vic.drecchio@...> wrote:
> Good morning,
> I have a pretty complex Crystal report hitting the Epicor PLM SQL database via ODBC.
> The report has multiple subreports which hit various SQL Views.
> I know how to pass subreport values back to the container/master report. The only issue with Crystal in this scenario is that the shared variable returned from the subreport isn't available to be evaluated until after the section the subreport it runs in.
> Example:
> I have a report that is called our "Parts List Report". It lists the parts in the BOM and all the various spec/alt parts, notes for the top-level assembly and all components. Each one of these items (parts, notes, etc) may be in a status which is flagged "Preliminary" meaning it's not ready to be released and used in engineering. I have a simple identifier on the report in the left margin simply flagging this part as being "Preliminary".
> If any of these parts are flagged, I also put a "stamp" in the Page Footer section that says "PRELIMINARY" so Doc Control can clearly recognize this.
> Here's my problem: I have a Group Footer which contains a subreport. The GF may not be until Page 3. Page 3 is when that shared variable from the subreport is finally returned to the container report. If any part or note item in that subreport was flagged as being preliminary, that "stamp" in the Page Footer doesn't start until Page 3 even though I want it on ALL pages.
> The way Crystal works is that it cannot read into the future of the report and evaluate a value/variable that hasn't occurred yet.
> Does anyone have any ideas or tricks? Thanks.
> Vic
Good morning,

I have a pretty complex Crystal report hitting the Epicor PLM SQL database via ODBC.

The report has multiple subreports which hit various SQL Views.

I know how to pass subreport values back to the container/master report. The only issue with Crystal in this scenario is that the shared variable returned from the subreport isn't available to be evaluated until after the section the subreport it runs in.


I have a report that is called our "Parts List Report". It lists the parts in the BOM and all the various spec/alt parts, notes for the top-level assembly and all components. Each one of these items (parts, notes, etc) may be in a status which is flagged "Preliminary" meaning it's not ready to be released and used in engineering. I have a simple identifier on the report in the left margin simply flagging this part as being "Preliminary".

If any of these parts are flagged, I also put a "stamp" in the Page Footer section that says "PRELIMINARY" so Doc Control can clearly recognize this.

Here's my problem: I have a Group Footer which contains a subreport. The GF may not be until Page 3. Page 3 is when that shared variable from the subreport is finally returned to the container report. If any part or note item in that subreport was flagged as being preliminary, that "stamp" in the Page Footer doesn't start until Page 3 even though I want it on ALL pages.

The way Crystal works is that it cannot read into the future of the report and evaluate a value/variable that hasn't occurred yet.

Does anyone have any ideas or tricks? Thanks.
