Crystal Rpt - add Sales Tax to PO

Yes, you can link to other tables in a 'canned' crystal report with .dbf files,
but only through a subreport with ODBC. I don't know of any instructions to do this, but
I can try to explain it. Every user who prints the report has to have the
Merant ODBC installed, which can add some complication to the process. We
checked with Custom Programming to add one field to a .dbf file in a table that
was already included in the Purchase Order Entry report. They quoted $700 for
Vantage 3.0 and another $250 if we upgraded to 4.0. The field we needed was in
PORel table. The PORel table was already in the report, but they had left off
the "RecQty" field, which we needed in order to send amended Purchase Orders to
our Vendors. We now do this in 5.0 as well.

Here's how I linked via ODBC. You could do this with the Sales Tax table as well, although you may link on a different field than I did.

The problem with linking comes with the fact that ALL fields are converted to
Strings in the .dbf table. Whereas, the key field I was working with in PORel
was a numeric field. With Crystal, you can link to a formula through a
subreport. So, you create a formula in the main report which converts the Key
String Field to a Number. In Crystal 8 this is the ToNumber(x) function, where
x is the string.

So your formula would simply be named, for instance "PO#,"
and the formula would be "ToNumber(PORel.PONum)"

This formula, PO#, is what is linked to PORel.PONum in your subreport.
Then you can share variables across reports, or simply have the field your
looking for in your subreport and place the subreport in the appropriate spot
in your main report. If you use the subreport field in a formula in the main
report, you will need to use a shared variable. This gets a little more
complicated because of the timing of processing subreports, but is possible.

Hope this helps, and contact me if you have more questions.

Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics

----- Original Message -----
From: Dunn, Nancy
To: Vantage Onelist (E-mail)
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 1:20 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Crystal Rpt - add Sales Tax to PO

This is what I want to do.
I have a custom PO in Crystal Reports (ver8) (vantage v4).
I want to use the field Percent, from the SalesTax table on the PO.
How do I do this? Do I have to use ODBC? All the other tables for the
report are created in the vntgwork dir during the processing, can I get the
SalesTax table to do this?
Thank you.
Nancy Dunn
Winco Industries Inc.

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
This is what I want to do.
I have a custom PO in Crystal Reports (ver8) (vantage v4).
I want to use the field Percent, from the SalesTax table on the PO.
How do I do this? Do I have to use ODBC? All the other tables for the
report are created in the vntgwork dir during the processing, can I get the
SalesTax table to do this?
Thank you.
Nancy Dunn
Winco Industries Inc.