Currency Exchange Rate Security

What sets the security on the ability to set an exchange rate before today’s date?
I have poured through the menu, field, and process securities and I cannot find anything that would lock out this particular user. I, as a security manager, am able to perform this process, however.

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I found that Security Manager was the required permission also.


Look at 22200ESC, it has the explanation how to change this using process security.

How/Where do I view this?

Sorry, that is an Epicor support document and I don’t believe we are supposed to embed them in a response. You can find it by searching the Answerbooks on EpicWeb or maybe EpiCare.

My searches are coming up blank for that article.
Are you able to email it to me if you can’t post it here?

Email is on the way


I screwed up and it is in Tips vs. Answerbooks

I came across this issue again and could not remember the resolution. For anyone that is looking for the exact steps, here ya go:


I automated the exchange rate update with a python script I wrote. Nobody has access to it and it gets updated daily. I can link ya the code if you want.

Thanks, but getting them access was sufficient.

Thank you, this helped