Currency revaluation error

We are getting an error when trying to post a currency revaluation. We’ve been fine since go-live 6 months ago but now just getting an error.

It seems out of 2,000 transactions just one does not balance.

We saw some transactions missing a currency codes (blank) and Epicor did a fix to update them to the proper code. Do a BAQ on GLTranDtl (if I recall.)

Thanks Mark. Will check that now.

Also try enabling Logging in GL Transaction Type, this should provide more information for finding the missing GL Account.

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Thanks @Jonathan and @Mark_Wonsil.

We’ve found the issue. There is a USD sales order raised and invoiced against a CAD customer. We don’t think the reval process worked as we only go from CAD to USD and there is no conversion the other way round. How this happened, we’re not sure. Also if the review journal just listed the invoice number by itself we could have found the issue earlier. The review journal was pulling concatenated info but I found the invoice field in the same table and was able to track it down.

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