the custom dlls not downloading for some specific users.
i tried to clear the client cache, and deleted the program data folder. still it is not downloading.
shows the error
Cannot access this menu item: Menu Search
Inner Exception Message: The assembly ‘C:\ProgramData\Epicor\c-e10app1-808\3.2.400.0\Comp01\shared\CustomDLLs\Ice.UI.App.MenuSearch.dll’ could not be found.
tried to copy the custom dlls from a different user, some of them working but some of them not.
any suggestions?
also i tried to re-install the epicor for this user, after successful installation, on the first run, copying the release client failed at the last point with below message
automatic update failed for the following reason
1 is not a supported code page, parameter name: codepage
contact your system administrator.
Could you open the following folder : C:\ProgramData\Epicor
And Move Out all the Folders inside. (epicor Client should be closed)
Try opening the Epicor again ,and the Menu Search. Revert back if this does not help.
You may also want to explore your Anti-Virus software, as it could be removing the DLL. It depends on the software such Carbon-Black is behavior based and it maybe removing the DLL. Have admin check the logs.
There are no custom DLLs allowed on Public Cloud or MT SaaS, so it has to be On Prem.
Are you sure the files are not there or might they be there and blocked? (See File Properties in Windows Explorer).
Why does the solution require custom DLLs? When we get to full Kinetic in Epicor NextGen, there will be no client DLLs at all. Can you architect a solution without the Custom DLL?
And the same problem I observed recently in Kinetic 2021.1.9, and i was thinking to Post it here, Thanks for give me a recall that the issue already reported. Also, I need to say that my own suggestions provided earlier didn’t work for myself. This is purely Random behavior.
If we install Epicor Client under certain folder where admin rights are not necessary,
we still should start installation with “Run as Administrator” ?
yes, the exe file will execute transactions all over your drive not only on the folder which you put it on as a start as well as the shared folders on the main server, unless you set any logged in user as a local admin by default.
Are you sure the files are not there or might they be there and blocked? (See File Properties in Windows Explorer).
We use On Premise solution.
Should I check manually all (related with certain customization) .DLL files in Client installation folder that they are not blocked (for copying) ?
We recently created an Epicor installation script to make installing Epicor easier.
This allows the user to run the Epicor installation through the Company Portal (and without administrator privileges).
However, there seems to be a problem (in the first few cases) and I have had to reinstall Epicor with the keyword /update.
It appears that users without administrator privileges will not be able to install Epicor properly.
What can be mssing (if you are installing without administrator privileges):
some assemblies may not be compiled ?
some of the required files aren’t being copied to the correct folders (eg shared)?
I’m replying to my last post, maybe someone has a similar problem.
After changing the regional format of Windows (from English (Europe) to English (United States),
the problem was resolved with custom programs (ie problem with downloading custom .DLL files)