Customer is Reducing check value by formerly paid invoices as a chargeback

Hi All,

Looking for some help here. We have customer that is reducing check values for invoices that were formerly paid as a chargeback. How can I keep my records straight without short paying a random invoice? E10 is not allowing me to post a negative value in cash receipts. We do not see these as valid discounts and want to stay on top of them. I was thinking I would create debit memos that have a different suffix like CGBK?

Any thoughts?

Are you doing their payments as a cash receipt? Why not enter the exact payment amount? Or is the issue that the chargeback payment zeroed out the original invoice, and the chargeback was reversed, and now you need a new invoice?

Hi Andis,

Thank you for your reply! We are receiving their payments as a cash receipt and they are netting a chargeback for already paid invoices out of the payment. Therefore, when we receive the payment for the whole value we are forced to short pay another invoice at random to make it reconcile to cash. We could create a CM to apply the payment to, however, I do not want the credit memos to get lost in the mix of what is an approved credit memo and a forced CM through chargeback.

Can you delay netting out the chargebacks for 30 days as policy, and by then the reversed ones have been processed out, and the ones left are valid?