Customer Ship a Non-Quantity Bearing Part

We occasionally have instances where we supply loose hardware with our Customer Shipments. These items are non-stock, non-quantity bearing. (expense items). We typically don’t even charge for them… they’re just SHCS for example.

Currently, our shipping department will go into the part record, change them to quantity bearing, adjust a handful in, then they can ship them against the customer order (so they show on the packing list). Then they’ll go back to the part record and set them back to non-quantity bearing.

Is there a better methodology to handle these cases?

Sounds like it should be quantity bearing?

Its an expense item though. We don’t buy/store them to inventory, we reference them on BOMs but don’t issue them.

These are parts that are vendor managed. They come in and audit our stores, refill what’s needed and are expensed upon receipt. But we don’t “hold inventory” of these items.

You could be right… maybe we’re mis-thinking this.

If they are truly non qty bearing, I think I would just customize the packing slip to bring down a comment field or a custom field(s) with the relevant data.

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Interesting thought… Let me ponder that one.

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You could do a separate miscellaneous shipment.
When you launch the form, enter in the order number and the shipto should automatically be populated.

Add lines for all of the non-quantity bearing parts.

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We started doing this recently.