Customer Shipment & Purchase Receipt DMT Template


Has anyone ever used DMT to import Mass Shipments and Purchase Mass Receipt?

If you can please the template for DMT Tool would highly appreciate.

Mass Shipments is only features allow you to pull all order lines to the shipment. With DMT, you can use Customer Shipment Combined feature to import ShipHead & ShipDtl. You can create template by Template Builder. Tick on the fields ShipHead & ShipDtl# … which you want to import. Sample: Company, PackNum, ShipDate, ShipViaCode, CustNum, Plant,… for ShipHead. For ShipDtl, tick on ShipDtl#PackLine, PartNum, Qty, Warehouse, BIn, Lot,…

Thank you @nguyennkerp we have tried to create a combined template using the DMT Tool but we keep getting errors.

We also created header and detail templates separately but the header part gets created but details fail.

You can post the errors and data sample so that everyone who know can help.


Find below the screenshot error


So you have to set all value of column PackNum = 0 (Zero). This numberic field so don’t leave it to blank.

Thank you @nguyennkerp if we put the PackNum = 0, we get an error to add PackLine field, this is not available in the template builder

You have to try step to step to fix the error. If new error happens, that means the previous error is solved. And we can go to next error to find out the solution.
One tip is make sure no formula in your template. Sometime it makes error on DMT.


hi guys i am having the same issue but i have this error
0 ForeignKeyConstraint ShipHeadDetail requires the child key values (CMP, 0) to exist in the parent table.
ForeignKeyConstraint ShipHeadDetail requires the child key values (CMP, 0) to exist in the parent table.