I am in the process of upgrading from E10 to Kinetic 2024.1. The current Kinetic statement (CustSt) prints quite a few statements for 0 balance customers. Does anyone have a suggestion for how to modify the form to skip all zero balance customers? We only want to send out a statement to customers that actually have a balance. Thanks in advance for your help!
as far as I remember Customer Statements shouldn’t be printing customers with 0 balance. I could only think about that there are pennies you can’t see and that’s been printed.
I would modify the SSRS report to hide customers where balance is =< than “0”.
Abs(balance) < 0.01
I agree that customers with 0 balance should not be printing. Unfortunately, that is what is happening on form for version 2024.1.6. It doesn’t seem to be ALL customers but it shouldn’t be printing ANY zero balance customers. I know in the past that form was designed to print any invoice and payment within the date range specified in my report parameters. I am putting in my month-end date for both beginning and ending range. There are no payments on the month-end date for any of the 0 balance customers that are printing.
My problem is that the customer balance field is on the subreport and not the main report. I don’t know how to access the customer balance on the CustSt.rdl form to be able to use it in a visibility expression to skip it. Is the customer balance kept in a DB field somewhere? If so, I can change the RDD to include it.
The only thing I can think of is calculating the customer balance in a VB function and use that value to set the visibility of the main report. PITA but it might work depending on how difficult it would be to duplicate the sub-report summing logic.
I pulled down the latest Kinetic release notes and I see that version 2024.1.11 has fixed the bug of erroneously printing random 0 balance customer statements (PRB0284342). Looks like I will need to upgrade to that version before going live with Kinetic. No need to reinvent the wheel if they already fixed it.
Thanks so much for your input! I truly appreciate your time.