I have attached a customization below that takes the value in field txtEpiCustom7 and does a lookup against table UD02 and returns the value from that table's Character01 field. All is good.
The problem is that if I try to go back and enter a new value in txtEpiCustom7, it refuses to be changed although it DOES return the appropriate value from UD02. I have looked at the properties of txtEpiCustom7 and it's readonly property is True. I change it to False, but it won't stay that way.
Am I suspecting the wrong culprit for not being able to change txtEpiCustom7 or do I have to force the readonly=False property to it?
Private Sub txtEpiCustom7_Leave(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Args As System.EventArgs) Handles txtEpiCustom7.Leave
  '// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **
  If (txtEpiCustom7.Text <> String.Empty) Then
  '// Do Search (listLookup)
   Dim recordSelected As Boolean
   Dim showSearch As Boolean = False
   Dim whereClause As String = "Key1 = '" & txtEpiCustom7.Text & "'"
  '// Call Search Function
   Dim datasetUD101 As DataSet = SearchFunctions.ListLookup(oTrans, "UD02Adapter", recordSelected, showSearch, whereClause)
   '// check to see if DataSet is not null and that it
   '// contains at least 1 DataTable
   If (recordSelected = True) Then
  '// get a reference to the UD101A EpiDataView
   Dim edvUD101A As EpiDataView = Ctype(oTrans.EpiDataViews("UD101A"), EpiDataView)
   '// set the ShortChar07 field to value returned by search
   edvUD101A.dataView(edvUD101A.Row)("ShortChar07") = datasetUD101.Tables(0).Rows(0)("Character01")
   '// notify bound control(s) of data change
   edvUD101A.Notify( New EpiNotifyArgs(UD101Form, edvUD101A.Row, edvUD101A.Column))
    End if
   End If
 End Sub
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The problem is that if I try to go back and enter a new value in txtEpiCustom7, it refuses to be changed although it DOES return the appropriate value from UD02. I have looked at the properties of txtEpiCustom7 and it's readonly property is True. I change it to False, but it won't stay that way.
Am I suspecting the wrong culprit for not being able to change txtEpiCustom7 or do I have to force the readonly=False property to it?
Private Sub txtEpiCustom7_Leave(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Args As System.EventArgs) Handles txtEpiCustom7.Leave
  '// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **
  If (txtEpiCustom7.Text <> String.Empty) Then
  '// Do Search (listLookup)
   Dim recordSelected As Boolean
   Dim showSearch As Boolean = False
   Dim whereClause As String = "Key1 = '" & txtEpiCustom7.Text & "'"
  '// Call Search Function
   Dim datasetUD101 As DataSet = SearchFunctions.ListLookup(oTrans, "UD02Adapter", recordSelected, showSearch, whereClause)
   '// check to see if DataSet is not null and that it
   '// contains at least 1 DataTable
   If (recordSelected = True) Then
  '// get a reference to the UD101A EpiDataView
   Dim edvUD101A As EpiDataView = Ctype(oTrans.EpiDataViews("UD101A"), EpiDataView)
   '// set the ShortChar07 field to value returned by search
   edvUD101A.dataView(edvUD101A.Row)("ShortChar07") = datasetUD101.Tables(0).Rows(0)("Character01")
   '// notify bound control(s) of data change
   edvUD101A.Notify( New EpiNotifyArgs(UD101Form, edvUD101A.Row, edvUD101A.Column))
    End if
   End If
 End Sub
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