After upgrading to 10.2.300 we have an increase in complaints from users that grids that we have either added or customized are moving. After a few sessions, the grids move to the left or right and grid portions chopped off within the margins of the surrounding page. Anyone know how to fix this?
Mike - The fix for us was to delete personalizations on that form.
We’re in the same boat after upgrading from 10.0.700.4 to 10.2.300.7. Everything looks fine without personalizations, but when a user saves a personalization to the grid (change column order), the grid width and height increases, moving the scroll bars outside of the window. Some the whole grid would jump to the right a few hundred pixels.
I’ve put EpiCare tickets in, assigned to the Ice Tools group. They don’t know of a fix, but if everyone puts in a ticket, maybe they can find a common cause. Putting a personalization on a base form doesn’t break the grids, so it’s hard for them to troubleshoot.
One thing that worked when DanD was testing was to run the form verification in 10.0, remove the warning controls (or fix them), import to 10.2.300, re-verify, and then personalizations worked. I’m not sure what in our customization process is breaking it, though…
Right now we tell our users not to personalize a few forms where this happens.
Sounds like the same problem we are having. Where is the form verification you mention?
Customization Maintenance > Actions > Verify
Thanks, I have not used the customization maintenance.
Mike - In that case, I’d run through each of your customizations, verify them individually, then fix the issues that show up in the Warnings tab. Some are pretty frustrating that could be ignored and seem at times random (visual warnings that seem to want a ton of padding around the control).
Will do. Thanks
I find a think to fix that.
No Anchor “Right” in the listPanel and increase a lot the size
Increase also the grid
Thanks for all the information on this ticket, Andris!
To fix this issue with grids in classic customizations moving or floating, we applied this line of code to appropriate owning control. In our case it was not the grid, but the “Panel” that needed it’s anchors set upon InitialCustomCode() to prevent the personalization from moving the grid.
this.QuoteForm.topLevelSheets1.summaryPanel1.summaryLineSheet1.Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right|AnchorStyles.Top |AnchorStyles.Left);