Cycle Count by location

Hey Brad,

Like so many other companies, we don’t use the built-in Part Selection process so we are not affected by this flag. We just have to prove to the auditors that we count everything a certain number of times within the year.

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We use a custom ABC code assignment (taking into account part classes and primary locations), then use random part selection so we can control which codes get counted and when. We do our own version of a physical inventory, though, that screws up the last-counted date, and I have to tweak the count frequencies the first half of the year so all the C codes don’t come due at once. @Mark_Wonsil do you mind describing the basics of how you enter your selected parts? My method is too hands-on.

Ours is COMPLETELY hands-on as well. I have a dashboard with two panes: Parts active on the previous business day and parts not yet counted during the year. The inventory manager pastes all of the ones in the first pane into the Part Selection process and then fills in from the second pane. I don’t like it. I may end up doing that Base BPM yet! :wink:


Brainstorming on a CycleCount By Bin idea…

  1. create a new UD Fields ABCCode_c * LastCountDate_c in the WhseBin table that specifies if a BIN is an A/B/C bin… (more on this below)
  2. Run the normal ABC Code calculation “regularly” (as often as desired).
  3. Create a process (run monthly) that populates WhseBin.ABCCode_c with the highest level ABC Code found in parts that are currently stored in that bin.
  4. Create a new dashboard/report/screen that would calculate the “Next” count date for each bin based on the current ABCcode for the BIN and its last count date. This would be used to decide where to count next
  5. create a new process that would be used to: A: Scan the BIN… b: Scan each part found in that bin, C: enter the count for that part. This process would also capture the “frozen” count at that moment for all parts that the CPU thought were in that bin… and if they are not found, it would force user to enter zero for those parts. D: Audit report. E: Post changes.

Thoughts? (GO)



This is along the lines of what we are doing with our spreadsheet system currently.

Storage rack levels are designated as to the count frequency.

Bottom level = weekly counts

Middle level(s) = monthly counts

Top level = quarterly counts

So I could see utilizing the warehouse ZONE assignment to indicate the count frequency level possibly.

Steps 4 and 5 are very close to what we are doing.

Thanks for the brainstorm…



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How do you void tags? There is nothing I see where I can do that.

You may only void BLANK tag (or tags that started out a blank). the system generated tags must be counted. Note that a count CAN be zero, but you cannot simply void the tag to set it to zero, you must make an entry.
Blank tags are those tags that you entered a part number against… sometimes you generate too many blank tags. You can void those.

For years I have tried to use the physical and Count cycle function in Epicor but just does not have enough flexibility for us.
I have a dashboard to pull parts and cost, barcode, Bin Locations, and a snapshot of partbin. We also run a stock status.

We bring this into excel. We then have count sheets that the user scans the bin and the part barcode. if it is an inner or master pack, excel does the calculation to count the units in each (we store everything at each and not at UOM yet). We validate on bin, barcode, and part. Users count blind not against what system states in the bin.

From here we can count (recount as needed) and then we post the calculated adjustments to inventory as Cycle Count or Physical Count, Process works well and rather quickly. We cycle count rows weekly and Physical at least once a year.
So, we need some laptops and scanners and away they go. I would like to create this into a UD table and have the reports run from there, but I am not there.

What happens when a couple tags were entered at 0 and a discrepancy reason was entered, but they won’t post? These tags are now holding up my entry for all other tags for my physical.

Check for allocated inventory on the part(s). For example, shipments not shipped.

I didn’t know you could paste insert Bryan, I will try that. It looked to be read only!

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