Dasboard BAQ server Cache?

What would cause the return object in a Dashboard to return an incomplete object?

We have a BAQ that works in the BAQ editor.

It sometimes works in dashboard.

Here is what I mean.

I ran this in the dashboard yesterday and got 9 records returned.

I ran this in the BAQ editor and all records were returned.

I ran this in the dashboard today and got all expected records.

Seems like something on the server side is causing the return object to be cut off and something that happens over night “fixes” the issue.

Anyone seen this? Any ideas on how to fix this with out having to wait for the issue to clear itself on it own.


That’s an awful lot of criteria fields above the One Level BOM grid. You sure that there are no filters or other restrictions on the dashboard?

Does running a trace enable you to see the actual request the dashboard makes?

Those aren’t criteria fields.

The only parameters are part and rev.

The request is the BAQ, with results, unless there is something I am missing.

Do you have any calculated fields that might change based on date? divide by 0 can do funky things.

edit never mind, that would affect the BAQ too.

I assume you have Parameters in the BAQ? How else would it limit the results to the 66 you expected.

And since “overnight” tends to fix it, is there any date time fields used for filtering, and a time zone difference matters sometimes, but not others?

17:00 PST is 21:00 EST - both with the same date. But both are 01:00 UTC, and the next day.

While the next morning, 8:00 PST is 12:00 EDT and 16:00 UTC - All have the same date.

no date filter. good idea.

Crazy thing is that the BAQ worked, but the dashboard didn’t. Debugging in visual studio showed the results off the wire were incomplete.

I was wondering if there was something in IIS that was causing the result set to be different when called via a Dashboard vs the BAQ Editor.

That might help me find where the issue is.

Is it a deployed dashboard? If so, maybe try re-deploying it.

Also, try the gold old clear client cache.

One last thing, I had deployed a dashboard once, and it created a new file with a suffix after the name. Something like Ice.UI.App.CK_ShippingSchedule_1.dll when it should have been

So obviously the dashboard wasn’t actually running the updated version.

All good points. I should have wrote this earlier.

Steps I took Yesterday Afternoon:
All the time I was using VS to debug and watch the results coming from the adapter call.

Opened the customization and resaved it.
Tried and it didn’t work (bad results)

Cleared Client Cache
Tried and it didn’t work (bad results)

Changed the dynamic code to use a different named adapter.
Tried and it didn’t work (bad results)

Tried on a different machine as a different user
Tried and it didn’t work (bad results)

Changed the BAQ (added a column) and saved it
Tried and it didn’t work (bad results)

Cleared Client Cache
Tried and it didn’t work (bad results)

Hit my head against screen and said I will deal with this tomorrow.

Came in today
Got my Diet Dew.
Opened the form and everything worked.

It was totally the dew


* diet dew

Here is the btnClick Code

private void btnOneLevel_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
	// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **
	spNotifyUsers.Status = ( Ice.Lib.Framework.StatusTypes )3;
	spNotifyUsers.EnabledCaption = "Retrieving FIRST Level of the BOM";
	spNotifyUsers.Refresh( );

	DynamicQueryAdapter dqaBOMShort = new DynamicQueryAdapter(oTrans);

	QueryExecutionDataSet qedsBOMShort = new QueryExecutionDataSet();

	qedsBOMShort.ExecutionParameter.AddExecutionParameterRow("ParentPartNum",txtPartNum.Text,"nvarchar", false, Guid.NewGuid(),"A");
	qedsBOMShort.ExecutionParameter.AddExecutionParameterRow("ParentPartRev",cboRevisions.Text,"nvarchar",false, Guid.NewGuid(),"A");
	dqaBOMShort.ExecuteByID("ETK-BOMShort", qedsBOMShort);
	DataTable results = dqaBOMShort.QueryResults.Tables["Results"];
	grdBOMShort.DataSource = results;

	grdBOMShort.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns["PartMtl_MtlSeq"].SortIndicator = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.SortIndicator.Ascending;

	spNotifyUsers.Status = ( Ice.Lib.Framework.StatusTypes )0;
	spNotifyUsers.EnabledCaption = "";
	spNotifyUsers.Refresh( );


crazy thing is I know which places have dew in Vegas. I have my morning walks already planned, as not every hotel is Pepsi friendly.

A little off subject, why don’t you just use the stock grid that comes in with a dashboard? Do you have to parameterize this query?

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