I have a similar need and am working in 9.04.505 SQL but I believe
the button code below would also work in Vantage. I've got the button
code below launching the Customer search dialog and returning a
selected CustID but I've not yet been able to pass it into the
Dashboard BAQ as a filter parameter and am hoping someone can show
us both how to do that.
The GUID string after the DVTVP_ needs to be replace with your
Tracker Panel's name, with the "-" replaced with "_"
Private Sub btnCustID_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As System.EventArgs)
' ** Place Event Handling Code Here **
'MsgBox("in btnCustID_Click")
Dim oTrans As Object = DBTVP_ff9f7688_f67a_44bb_8a2c_e3c2419bf672
Dim recSelected As Boolean
Dim whereClause As String = String.Empty
Dim dsCustomerAdapter As System.Data.DataSet = Epicor.Mfg.UI.FormFunctions.SearchFunctions.listLookup(oTrans, "CustomerAdapter", recSelected, True, whereClause)
If recSelected Then
txtCustID.text = dsCustomerAdapter.Tables(0).Rows(0)("CustID")
End If
End Sub
Also, I've discovered that the Tracker panel's property dialog
where you select the fields and filters etc. appears to only be
usable and working the first time, when you create the tracker
panel. After the first save, it appears to become read only. Strange,
but make another new panel if you need changes & then copy over
what you need to keep & delete the first one.
Karl Weisel
I have a similar need and am working in 9.04.505 SQL but I believe
the button code below would also work in Vantage. I've got the button
code below launching the Customer search dialog and returning a
selected CustID but I've not yet been able to pass it into the
Dashboard BAQ as a filter parameter and am hoping someone can show
us both how to do that.
The GUID string after the DVTVP_ needs to be replace with your
Tracker Panel's name, with the "-" replaced with "_"
Private Sub btnCustID_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As System.EventArgs)
' ** Place Event Handling Code Here **
'MsgBox("in btnCustID_Click")
Dim oTrans As Object = DBTVP_ff9f7688_f67a_44bb_8a2c_e3c2419bf672
Dim recSelected As Boolean
Dim whereClause As String = String.Empty
Dim dsCustomerAdapter As System.Data.DataSet = Epicor.Mfg.UI.FormFunctions.SearchFunctions.listLookup(oTrans, "CustomerAdapter", recSelected, True, whereClause)
If recSelected Then
txtCustID.text = dsCustomerAdapter.Tables(0).Rows(0)("CustID")
End If
End Sub
Also, I've discovered that the Tracker panel's property dialog
where you select the fields and filters etc. appears to only be
usable and working the first time, when you create the tracker
panel. After the first save, it appears to become read only. Strange,
but make another new panel if you need changes & then copy over
what you need to keep & delete the first one.
Karl Weisel
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "k99ja04" <jallmond@...> wrote:
> Version 8.03.408B, starting to work with custom dashboards, need some pointers. I want to make a dashboard for our customer service personnel, so they can see when orders shipped and some other details. They want to start with customer ID. I showed them the canned Customer Tracker dashboard, but it gives too much info, and some of the columns they want are missing. Now I could customize the Customer Tracker, but hoping to keep it simpler.
> I made a new dashboard, and started with the zCustomerShipments BAQ. Added several GridViews and filtered on several conditions based on ReadyToInvoice. I have an "All" pane, a "Pending" pane, "Invoiced", etc. This works fine, but pulls all the records.
> I then added a Tracker View and named the caption Advanced Search. I want to basically have a button on this pane and browse for Customer ID, and then publish that to the other gridviews. The enable input prompts is greyed out when I select fields in the tracker view properties. Does that sound right?
> In the BAQ properties, I am publishing PackNum to the title bar, do I also need to publish CustID?
> I have the tools guide, and the dashboard section talks about modifying the filter tab on the query properties, and set the CustID=DashboardBrowse. Sorta what I want, but would prefer a button on TrackerView.
> I sat in on a brief training at Perspectives for E9 and it seemed way easier. Seems like all I had to do in E9 was check that enable input prompts box. Where do I go next?
> Thanks,
> Jared