Hello all, I am having issues making simple chart views for some very basic dashboards. We are on 10.2.500.8. The main issue is that I cannot have the field that I want on either the X axis or the Y axis of a chart. In the below example, I choose “Bookings” as my X axis, but I am not given my only other field of “CustType” as an available Y axis value. However, it will let me do it the other way around with “CustType” as the X Axis.
When looking at a similar dashboard to compare properties, I came across another issue as well. In the example below, the X Axis and Y Axis values in the properties window are opposite of the actual chart view in the dashboard. However, I cannot flip the X and Y values of this chart either.
Is there something that I have overlooked, maybe in the baq? Or is this a bug of some kind? If anyone could give some insight on this I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
It may be related to the chart type. It looks like the first graph is a “Column” chart, so numeric values are on the y-axis. The first graph looks like a “Bar” chart, with numeric values on the x-axis. You can change the chart type after the chart is created with the “settings” button. Weird you can’t change it when you first make the chart.
I forgot to include the chart type in the post, but they are both set to column chart. I was thinking of trying to change field types in the calculated fields of the baq to see if that would let me change some more things.
Changing the first example to a “Bar chart” seems to give me a similar result to what the second example has, which is good. Just very strange that they need two different chart types since these two baq’s and dashboards are nearly identical just with different data.
I will probably roll with the bar chart. Thanks for the quick response!
Very strange…seems like it could be a bug then. Or maybe something with how it’s trying to group the data. Glad the workaround worked though! I would try recreating the dashboard / chart view and see if the same thing happens. Or move on with your life haha.