Dashboard - Change textbox to combo


On a Dashboard we have a calculated field from the BAQ. This is simple in that is calculated formula is

If Field = True, ‘open’, ‘closed’

When i add a tracker, i can select this field as a filter and manually type open, closed or delete the contents to filter the datagrid. How can i change this from a textbox to a combo? I ve tried various BAQCombo, EpiCombo, UltraCombo but nothing is working for me.

If i set the IsTrackerQueryControl to True and set the column, the combo becomes greyed out. I have also tried adding combo without the IsTrackerQueryControl and was hoping i could assign the combo to a filter but no.

If i can add a field to a tracker that will accept a manual entry for the filter, how can i substitute the text box or replace it for a combo with pre-defined values?


The easiest way to do this is to make the adjustment in the BAQ.

Let me find a post that explains how to do it.

This one is doing basically the same thing.

This ones probably a little better explanation.

but to do that, the BAQ would need to be updatable right? Even if it doesnt need to be?

Correct. Just check the box that says updateable, Then use “Advanced BPM Update Only” so it doesn’t yell at you.


Then in your dashboard, you don’t need to turn on any of the updateable stuff. But the drop down will still work.

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that worked. not 100% as we need but close enough :slight_smile:

what i couldnt get to work:

when the dashboard loads, it no longer auto populated the datagrid
i couldnt preset the data to the tracker fields
i needed the combo so how open, closed & nothing (empty field). The combo does this but the BAQ wouldnt show all on the empty field.

we settled with open, closed only and populating the tracker fields


These are related. There are posts out there that talk about it. Basically, you make the values in the drop down Yes, no (or whatever your calculated fields are) and %. Then do a matches filter. the % will return all.

This takes a customization. The code isn’t too bad though.

I tried the code approach, i was getting an error about csm not existng. Anyway, i updated the BAQ advanced field with % and then added that to a matches filter and it works just fine.

Thanks for all of your help :slight_smile:

If you want to figure it out, post your code and your errors. csm Most definitely exists, so it’s fixable. If not, I’m glad you got to something acceptable.